How to Cut Pork Neck into Slices with a Knife

How to Cut Pork Neck into Slices - How to Slice Pork Butt Fillet

➡️ Are you looking for basic pork cuts? You’re in luck because on this website you’ll discover how to cut pork neck into slices in 6 steps at home!

➡️ Read on and learn below how to cut pork neck, pork shoulder, pork butt, or pork collar for the grill, roast, and other dishes using a kitchen knife.

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How to Cut Pork Neck into Slices with the Knife

➡️ Probably, many people will smile when will see the title of this video – “How to cut pork neck into slices“. If you’re confused about what is pork neck, please note that it’s also called pork collar and Boston butt, depending on the country. So, pork neck, pork collar, and Boston butt or Boston pork butt are the same things.

How to Cut Pork Neck into Slices - How to Slice Pork Butt Fillet

How to Cut Pork Neck into Slices with the Knife

Cutting pork neck into slices with a knife involves preparing this flavorful cut of meat for various culinary purposes. Start with a clean and slightly chilled pork neck, ensuring it's free from excess fat or connective tissue. Using a sharp slicing knife or chef's knife, slice the pork neck across the grain into uniform pieces. The technique involves a smooth, even motion with the knife held at a slight angle.
The resulting slices can be tailored to your recipe's requirements, whether for stir-frying, grilling, roasting, or other cooking methods. Always prioritize safety by maintaining a secure grip on the knife, using a stable cutting board, and keeping your fingers clear of the knife's path. With these steps, you can expertly prepare pork neck slices for a wide range of delicious dishes.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 6 servings


  • a chunk of boneless pork neck


  • before cutting any meat, keep it in the fridge for at least 2 hours to get rigid.
  • place pork neck on a larger chopper or worktop right before cutting it off.
  • use a knife with a large and wide blade (recommended).
  • hold firmly meat chunk with one of your hands and press it to the chopper to remain fixed.
  • take the knife with the other hand and cut butt fillets of about 1-2 finger thickness, depending on your finger size and the dish you are going to cook.
  • continue in the same way until you slice the entire meat chunk up.


Preparation Tips for the Best Results:

1. Start with a Well-Chilled Pork Neck: Chilling the pork neck slightly before slicing it helps firm up the meat, making it easier to handle and achieve clean cuts. However, avoid freezing it, as this can make the meat too rigid to slice evenly.
2. Keep Your Knife Sharp: A sharp knife is essential for clean and precise slices. Regularly sharpen your knife to ensure it cuts through the pork neck effortlessly. A dull knife can lead to uneven and ragged slices.
3. Choose the Right Knife: Opt for a slicing knife or chef’s knife with a long, thin blade for slicing pork neck. These knives provide better control and enable you to make smooth, even cuts. Avoid using serrated knives, as they may tear the meat.
4. Slice Against the Grain: To maximize tenderness and ensure the meat is easier to chew, always slice pork neck against the grain. This means cutting perpendicular to the natural muscle fibers. It helps break down the meat’s connective tissues and results in more tender slices.
5. Maintain Consistency in Slice Thickness: Consistency in the thickness of your pork neck slices is crucial for even cooking. Aim for uniform slices to ensure that all pieces cook at the same rate, whether you’re stir-frying, grilling, or using them in other dishes. You can achieve this by using a ruler as a guide or practicing your knife skills to maintain a consistent thickness.

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FAQs about Cutting Pork Neck into Slices with a Knife

What is pork neck, and why is it used for slicing?

Pork neck, also known as pork collar, pork butt or pork neck fillet, is a flavorful and relatively tender cut of meat. It is often used for slicing into thin pieces because of its versatility in various dishes and its ability to absorb flavors effectively.

What type of knife is best for slicing pork neck?

To achieve clean and precise slices, it’s recommended to use a sharp slicing knife or a chef’s knife with a long, thin blade. A sharp knife is essential for clean cuts and safety.

How do I prepare the pork neck for slicing?

Start by placing the pork neck on a clean cutting board. Ensure it’s at a temperature that’s easy to work with (usually slightly chilled but not frozen). Trim any excess fat or connective tissue if needed.

What’s the best technique for slicing pork neck into thin pieces?

To slice pork neck into thin pieces, use a smooth, even motion with the knife. Hold the knife at a slight angle and make uniform cuts across the grain of the meat. Thinner slices are ideal for quick cooking methods like stir-frying, while slightly thicker slices work well for grilling or roasting.

Any tips for maintaining safety while slicing pork neck?

Safety is paramount when using a knife in the kitchen. Always maintain a secure grip on the knife and be mindful of your fingers. Use a proper cutting board to prevent slipping, and keep the knife’s blade sharp to reduce the risk of accidents. Additionally, pay close attention to your cutting technique, ensuring that your fingers are clear of the knife’s path.

Related Recipes and Culinary Articles

➡️ Enjoy learning about how to cut pork neck into slices from scratch! For additional info, read more about Boston butt, named also pork neck or pork collar, here.

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