Slow-Roast Duck with Sauerkraut and Apples

Slow-Roast Duck with Sauerkraut

➡️ Looking for the best way for cooking duck recipes in 2024? On this page, you’ll find out how to make slow roast duck with sauerkraut and apples in 11 steps at home.

➡️ My roast duck recipe enables you to practice your skills of cooking a duck in the oven with simple and tasty ingredients like a whole duck, sauerkraut, and apples.

➡️ Read on and learn below how to make roasted duck with sour cabbage using a yummy and easy whole roast duck recipe from scratch!

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How to Cook Slow-Roast Duck with Sauerkraut and Apples from Scratch

What ingredients do you need for a slow-roast duck with sauerkraut?

Raw Whole Duck

1) 3,5 kg/125 oz of duck (2 ducks)
2) salt and black pepper to taste
3) 2,5 kg/90 oz of chopped sauerkraut
4) 200 g/7 oz of wedged red onions
5) 1 kg/35 oz of apple, sliced
6) 1/2 tsp of dried thyme or to taste
7) 10 garlic cloves or to taste
8) 500-700 ml/17-24 fl oz of water or dry white wine

How to make slow-roast duck with sauerkraut from scratch?

Slow-Roast Duck with Sauerkraut

1) cut excess skin and fat off from each duck if necessary, then rub ducks with salt to taste both on the outside and inside
2) chop sauerkraut, then place it in a bowl
3) peel off and chop red onions, then place them over sour cabbage
4) remove stub from apples, cut them into thick slices, and put them over cabbage
5) add thyme to taste, then mix ingredients well
6) put cabbage on the tray in a uniform layer
7) place ducks over cabbage and put in each a few cloves of peeled garlic
8) grind some black pepper over the ducks, then pour water or wine into the tray
9) cover the tray with foil, then place it in the oven at 170 C/340 F for about 45 minutes
10) remove foil from the tray, put it back in the oven, and fry the meat at a very high temperature (over 250 C/480 F) until it’s evenly browned
11) after this delicious slow-roast duck with sauerkraut is brown, turn the oven off, cover the meat again with foil and wait for 30 minutes before serving (recommended)

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Final Notes for the Slow-Roast Duck Recipe with Sauerkraut and Apples

➡️ The roasted whole duck recipe is one of the delicacies that we can enjoy in autumn and winter, seasons when ducks become robust and have sweet and juicy meat.

➡️ Although some consider duck meat to be too fatty, if prepared properly, the slow-roast duck in the oven is a delicacy that all gourmets adore! Therefore, the wonderful oven-roasted duck is one of my favorite food recipes and I prepare it whenever I have the opportunity. In fact, in many countries, roast duck is preferred instead of turkey and is cooked even for Christmas.

➡️ The roasted whole duck recipe can be prepared in many ways, with or without filling. Most people prefer sauerkraut because the pickled cabbage sourness compensates for the heavier and more succulent meat of the bird.

➡️ On this page I share the recipe for slow-roast duck with sauerkraut that I often cook for the whole family. I mix the sour cabbage with apples and onions to get a more refined taste, which contributes to both the thyme and garlic introduced in the duck.

➡️ In order to get the perfect taste for the roast I make, I use commonly a more aromatic dry white wine such as Chardonnay or Muskat-Ottonel, for example. Of course, you can even cook roasted duck without wine if you do not have this ingredient or don’t want to use it.

➡️ My whole duck recipe is very easy to prepare, does not require many ingredients, and is ready in a very reasonable time for a more demanding main dish.

➡️ Once it’s ready, I recommend you cover the roast with foil (instead, you can simply leave it in the oven after you turn the heat off) and wait about half an hour to thoroughly soak the flavored juices in the meat before slicing it. I assure you that slow roast duck with sauerkraut will be magnificent!

➡️ Duck is definitely not a food for everyone. Even if it is highly appreciated by gourmets, those who are not used to duck since childhood or do not have a vast culinary horizon, will not eat this delicacy with pleasure. As I wrote above, I love eating duck and one of my favorites is this recipe for slow-roast duck with sauerkraut and apples.

➡️ I recommend this recipe because it will allow you to enjoy the duck meat at its true value – it will be tender and tasty, and in combination with pickled cabbage and apples it turns into a royal treat that is hard to forget even for those who are used to refined foods.

➡️ Enjoy cooking slow-roast duck with sauerkraut from scratch! For additional info, read more on duck as food!

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