Authentic Hungarian Potato Pasta Recipe {Krumplis Tészta or Grenadiermarsch}

Authentic Hungarian Potato Pasta  Grenadiermarsch or Krumplis Tészta

Homemade Grenadiermarsch Recipes

Potato pasta is one of the most delicious Hungarian pasta recipes you ever cooked!

➡️ Looking for authentic Hungarian potato pasta recipes Grenadiermarsch aka Krumplis Tészta in 2024? On this page, you can learn how to cook pasta and potatoes with fried onion or leek in 8 steps at home.

➡️ My easy pasta recipe helps you cook pasta and potatoes with fried leeks or onions and more tasty ingredients in the typical Hungarian style (Krumplis Tészta/Grenadiermarsch).

➡️ Learn in the cooking video below how to make Hungarian potato pasta with fried onion or leek from scratch by using the simplest pasta and potatoes recipe called Krumplis Tészta or Grenadiermarsch!

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How to Make Hungarian Potato Pasta from Scratch

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Authentic Hungarian Potato Pasta Grenadiermarsch or Krumplis Tészta

Hungarian Potato Pasta

Unlock the culinary wonders of Hungary with my mouthwatering recipe for Hungarian Potato Pasta. Prepare to embark on a culinary adventure as we reveal the secret to crafting this delightful dish. In this comprehensive tutorial, I'll walk you through each stage of the process, providing valuable insights and tips along the way.
The journey begins with the humble potato. Learn the art of boiling the potatoes to achieve the perfect texture – tender yet firm enough to hold their shape when incorporated into the pasta dough. Discover the ideal type of potato to use and the optimal cooking time to ensure a flawless result.
Hungarian Potato Pasta is more than just a dish; it's a culinary journey that transports you to the vibrant flavors of Eastern Europe. With its hearty and comforting nature, this traditional Hungarian delicacy has the power to evoke feelings of warmth and nostalgia. Sharing this authentic recipe with your friends and family will surely impress and leave them craving more.
Whether you have Hungarian roots or simply appreciate the rich tapestry of global flavors, my recipe will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to create this beloved dish in your own kitchen. Learn the art of making Hungarian potato pasta from scratch. Unleash your inner chef and savor the satisfaction of preparing a truly remarkable dish that celebrates the cultural heritage and culinary traditions of Hungary.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Hungarian
Servings 6 servings


  • 800/28 g/oz potatoes (I recommend a floury potato type)
  • 300/10 g/oz yellow onions or leeks
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 500/18 g/oz fettuccine, tagliatelle pasta, or another type of wide pasta (I recommend using hard wheat pasta); these are very similar to the homemade Hungarian pasta used typically for this recipe
  • 1-2 tbsp sweet paprika for sprinkling
  • grated cheese like pecorino for serving (optional); this is not typical Hungarian but some cheese sorts fit well with the recipe


  • boil whole potatoes in salted water, then take them out from the water and wait to cool
  • chop the onion and fry it in a pan with a little oil until becomes glassy, season it meanwhile with salt to taste
  • in the meantime, peel potatoes and crush them coarsely with a fork
  • boil pasta in salted water according to the instructions on the package, then drain the water well
  • add potatoes to the pan and fry ingredients for 2-3 minutes by stirring continuously
  • after you have drained water from the pasta, put the pot back on the stove over high temperature and add the onion and potato mixture
  • fry ingredients for about 2-4 minutes or until all the oil is absorbed into the pasta, mix continuously ingredients to avoid burning food
  • right before serving, sprinkle over potato pasta a little ground black pepper, paprika, and cheese if used


Cooking Tips:
  1. Choose the Right Pasta: When buying pasta for Hungarian Potato Pasta, opt for varieties that have a sturdy texture and can hold up well in hearty dishes. Look for options like egg noodles, tagliatelle, or fettuccine, which can provide a similar mouthfeel to homemade Hungarian pasta.
  2. Cook Al Dente: To ensure a satisfying texture and prevent the pasta from becoming mushy, cook it al dente. Follow the instructions on the package and taste-test the pasta a couple of minutes before the recommended cooking time. It should have a slight bite to it when done.
  3. Salt the Water: When boiling the pasta, be sure to add salt to the cooking water. This helps to enhance the flavor of the pasta itself, as it absorbs some of the salt during the cooking process. Aim for approximately 1-2 teaspoons of salt per quart of water.
  4. Time it Right: Prepare the pasta just before serving the dish. While the pasta can be cooked ahead of time, it’s best to mix it with the other ingredients just before serving to prevent it from becoming soggy or overcooked.
  5. Sprinkle with Paprika: To add a burst of flavor and a touch of authenticity to your Hungarian Potato Pasta, sprinkle it generously with paprika. This simple yet impactful seasoning brings a distinct taste and vibrant color to the dish. You can adjust the amount of paprika based on your preference for spiciness and flavor intensity. This final touch will elevate the dish and provide the characteristic flavor profile that is quintessentially Hungarian.
Keyword hungarian potato pasta recipe

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Final Notes for the Hungarian Potato Pasta Recipe

➡️ For sure, many people would include pasta among their most popular food recipes. One of the oldest homemade pasta recipes is potato pasta with fried onions, which is called Grenadiermarsch in some parts of Europe such as Hungary.

➡️ However, this potato pasta recipe is very popular in Germany and throughout the former Habsburg Empire and especially in Hungary. In addition, there is a similar recipe in Italy.

➡️ Traditionally, the potato pasta recipe is served with a little sweet paprika sprinkled on top. In addition, I like the food version topped with grated cheese and freshly ground black pepper.

➡️ Whatever version of serving you choose, the potato pasta recipe with fried onions is very tasty. Plus, it’s very easy to make, requires a short preparation time, and has few ingredients. Therefore, I recommend it when you want to cook a fast and nourishing pasta recipe!

➡️ Enjoy the Hungarian potato pasta recipe from scratch! For additional info, read more on Grenadiermarsch!

FAQs about Hungarian Potato Pasta

What is Hungarian potato pasta (Krumplis tészta)?

Hungarian potato pasta, called krumplis tészta, is a traditional quick and easy dish, budget-friendly, with super simple ingredients but extremely delicious. It is also called “grenadiermarsch”, however, Hungarians rarely use this name today. Traditional recipe features homemade pasta, fried onions, and boiled potatoes, which are combined before serving and then sprinkled with paprika.

How do I make Hungarian potato pasta from scratch?

To make Hungarian Potato Pasta from scratch, you will need flour, eggs, potatoes, onions, salt, and water. Start by preparing the dough using flour and eggs, then let it rest. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes and cook the onions until caramelized. Next, roll out the dough, cut it into noodles, and cook them in boiling water. Finally, combine the cooked noodles with the potatoes and caramelized onions, and season with salt to taste.

Can I use store-bought pasta for Hungarian potato pasta?

Yes, you can use store-bought pasta as a convenient alternative for Hungarian Potato Pasta. Look for sturdy pasta varieties like egg noodles, tagliatelle, or fettuccine, which can provide a similar texture to homemade Hungarian pasta. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package, and then combine it with the cooked potatoes and onions.

What are some variations of Hungarian potato pasta?

Hungarian potato pasta can be customized with additional ingredients to suit your taste. Some popular variations include adding bacon or smoked sausage for extra flavor, incorporating herbs like parsley or dill for freshness, or topping it with sour cream or grated cheese as a garnish.

Can Hungarian potato pasta be made in advance?

While the pasta can be cooked ahead of time, it’s best to mix it with the other ingredients and sauce just before serving to prevent it from becoming soggy or overcooked. This ensures that the dish maintains its optimal texture and flavor.

How is Hungarian potato pasta traditionally served?

Hungarian potato pasta is often served as a main course, accompanied by a side of pickles or a fresh salad. It can also be enjoyed as a side dish alongside meat or poultry dishes. Sprinkling the dish with plain paprika is a traditional way to enhance the flavors and add a touch of color.

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